On September 29, 2017, in the presence of Francine Closener, Secretary of State for the Economy, the City of Dudelange’s start-up incubator project “Innovation Hub Dudelange” was officially presented, along with its visual identity.

A first for the City of Dudelange.
Last July, the municipal council of the City of Dudelange unanimously approved the agreement signed with the Ministry of Economy, Technoport S.A. and GIE Luxinnovation concerning the launch of the “Innovation Hub Dudelange” project, a reception and innovation center for companies.
It is a pilot project that signs the common will of these actors to contribute to the local, regional and national development through the support to the development of technological and innovative companies. The preferred field of these start-ups will be eco-technology, in order to get closer to the identity of the future eco-district Neischmelz, which will be energy neutral. The Innovation Hub Dudelange will be located at 100, route de Volmerange, the last administrative headquarters of ArcelorMittal.

A pilot project that is anchored in the present and marks out the future
The Innovation Hub serves as a real precursor to the future concept of the Neischmelz site. For the City of Dudelange, this pilot project is a first concrete step towards the construction of the Neischmelz site and its eco-technological identity. The transitional stage of pre-construction of the buildings is thus used for economic purposes in the short term, with the creation of jobs, and visionary in the longer term with its adhesion to the future identity of the site.
A visual identity to match the project
As for the visual identity, it had to be both modern and reflective of the past, an ambitious mix of future eco-technology and the steel industry that forged the identity of the city and the Neischmelz district.
Contact information for interested companies:
Tél. 516121 -908 / 516121 -961